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AI·빅데이터학과 로고

  • 교육과정소개
  • 교육과정

2020학년도 데이터사이언스 교육과정표
2020학년도 AI·빅데이터학과 데이터사이언스 교육과정표
학년 학기 이수
교과목 명 학점 학기 이수
교과목 명 학점
1 1 교필 Computational thinking and programming 3/3 2 교필 Logics and web SW programming 3/3
택 1 GE Integrated Reading and Writing 3/4 Integrated Reading 2/4
Conversation for Global Settings 3/4
택 1 English for Academic Lectures 1 * 2/4
English for Academic Lectures 택1 1/2
Basic Korean 1 ** 2/4
RIEP Reading&Writing 3/6
Listening&Speaking 3/6
Basic Korean 2 ** 1/2
English in Practice 1/2
English in Conversation
(Evening self-study)
Sol-Sup 2/2 교선 Freshmen Writing 택1 3/3
English for Global Citizenship1 3/3
전필 Introduction to computing system 2/2 전필 Introduction to data structure 2/2
전선 Introduction to industry4.0 3/3
Mathematics for SW engineering 2/2
전선 Logical thinking and basic mathematics 2/2
Freshmen Capstone Project 1/2
여름 교필 Sol Intensive English 3/4 겨울 -
2 1 교선 택 1 English for Global Citizenship 2 2/4 2 교선 English for Global Citizenship 3 택1 2/4
Chinese 1 Chinese 2
Spanish 1 Spanish 2
French 1 French 2
Japanese 1 Japanese 2
Korean 1 ** Korean 2 **
■ Managing digital firms 3/3 트랙
■ Research methodology 3/3
● 융합부전공 공통과목 3/3
전필 Algorithm 3/3 전필 Principles of data science 3/3
Introduction to database 3/3
Introduction to machine learning 3/3
Object oriented programming 3/3
전선 Introduction to data analytics 3/3 전선 SW engineering 3/3
3 1 트랙 (부전공) 트랙 공통 과목 3/3 2 트랙 (부전공) 트랙 공통 과목 3/3
(전공지정) Web analytics 3/3
교선 일반교양 자유선택 5/5 교선 일반교양 자유선택 2/2
전필 Deep learning 3/3 전필 Autonomous vehicle 3/3
Operating system 3/3 전선 Web analytics 택2 3/3
Principle of blockchain technology 3/3
전선 Big data platform 3/3 Advanced big data tools 3/3
(전공) (현장실습) (4이상) (전공) (현장실습) (4이상)
4 1 자유선택 자유선택(교양 및 기타전공) 5/5 2 자유선택 자유선택(교양 및 기타전공) 5/5
전선 Cloud platform 3/3 전선 Information security in industry 4.0 3/3
Natural language processing 3/3 Cognitive science 3/3
Computer vision 3/3 AI in digital healthcare 3/3
Capstone project I 3/3 Capstone project II 3/3
(전공) (현장실습) (4이상) (전공) (현장실습) (4이상)

■ 융합부전공 전공 지정 과목
● 융합부전공 공통 과목
† TOEIC 650점 이상에 준하는 유학생 및 한국학생만 수강신청 가능
(Offered to Korean and international students with the TOEIC score above 650 or equivalent to it)
* 한국학생만 수강신청 가능 (Offered to Korean students only) ** 유학생만 수강신청 가능 (Offered to international students only)
*** TOEIC 650점 미만에 준하는 유학생 및 한국학생만 수강신청 가능
(Offered to Korean and international students with the TOEIC score below 650 or equivalent to it)

2020학년도 창의소프트웨어 교육과정표
2020학년도 AI·빅데이터학과 창의소프트웨어 교육과정표
학년 학기 이수
교과목 명 학점 학기 이수
교과목 명 학점
1 1 교필 Computational thinking and programming 3/3 2 교필 Logics and web SW programming 3/3
택 1 GE† Integrated Reading and Writing 3/4 Integrated Reading 2/4
Conversation for Global Settings 3/4
택 1 English for Academic Lectures 1 * 2/4
English for Academic Lectures 택1 1/2
Basic Korean 1 ** 2/4
RIEP Reading&Writing 3/6
Listening&Speaking 3/6
Basic Korean 2 ** 1/2
English in Practice 1/2
English in Conversation
(Evening self-study)
Sol-Sup 1 2/2 교선 Freshmen Writing 택1 3/3
English for Global Citizenship1 3/3
전필 Introduction to computing system 2/2 전필 Introduction to data structure 2/2
전선 Introduction to industry4.0 3/3
Mathematics for SW engineering 2/2
전선 Logical thinking and basic mathematics 2/2
Freshmen Capstone Project 1/2
여름 교필 택 1 GE† Sol Intensive English 3/4 겨울 -
RIEP Sol Intensive English 3/4
2 1 교선 택 1 English for Global Citizenship 2 2/4 2 교선 English for Global Citizenship 3 택1 2/4
Chinese 1 Chinese 2
Spanish 1 Spanish 2
French 1 French 2
Japanese 1 Japanese 2
Koran 1 ** Korean 2 **
트랙 (부전공) ■ Managing digital firms 3/3 트랙 (부전공) ■ Research methodology 3/3
● Principles of marketing in IT industry 3/3
전필 Algorithm 3/3 전필 Principles of data science 3/3
Introduction to database 3/3
Introduction to machine learning 3/3
Object oriented programming 3/3
전선 Introduction to data analytics 3/3 전선 SW engineering 3/3
3 1 트랙 (부전공) 트랙 공통 과목 3/3 2 트랙 (부전공) 트랙 공통 과목 3/3
(전공지정) Web analytics 3/3
교선 일반교양 자유선택 5/5 교선 일반교양 자유선택 2/2
전필 Deep learning 3/3 전필 Autonomous vehicle 3/3
Operating system 3/3 전선 Web analytics 택2 3/3
Principle of blockchain technology 3/3
전선 Big data platform 3/3 Advanced big data tools 3/3
(전공) (현장실습) (4이상) (전공) (현장실습) (4이상)
4 1 자유선택 자유선택(교양 및 기타전공) 5/5 2 자유선택 자유선택(교양 및 기타전공) 5/5
전선 Cloud platform 3/3 전선 Information security in industry 4.0 3/3
Natural language processing 3/3 Cognitive science 3/3
Computer vision 3/3 AI in digital healthcare 3/3
Capstone project I 3/3 Capstone project II 3/3
(전공) (현장실습) (4이상) (전공) (현장실습) (4이상)

■ 융합부전공 전공 지정 과목
● 융합부전공 공통 과목

† TOEIC 650점 이상에 준하는 유학생 및 한국학생만 수강신청 가능
(Offered to Korean and international students with the TOEIC score above 650 or equivalent to it)
* 한국학생만 수강신청 가능 (Offered to Korean students only)
** 유학생만 수강신청 가능 (Offered to international students only)
*** TOEIC 650점 미만에 준하는 유학생 및 한국학생만 수강신청 가능
(Offered to Korean and international students with the TOEIC score below 650 or equivalent to it)